
Archive for September 9th, 2010

Lost and Found

Did God leave the gate open?  In Jesus’ parable of the lost sheep a celebration ensues when the one who was lost is found.  The shepherd hefts the beast onto his shoulders and carries him home, rejoicing with each heavy, effort-full step.  What a moment of joy for that sheep!  What a moment of joy for that shepherd!  Was it meant to be so?

Sometimes I think it takes getting lost to realize that we are found.  Is your life swirling out of control?  Are you having trouble figuring out which end is up?  Are you dizzy with grief?  Do you have no idea which way you should turn?  Take a moment.  Breathe.  Pay attention.  Listen.  Do you hear that grass being broken and trampled just over the next hill?  Do you feel the ground trembling beneath you as footsteps approach?  Do you smell the sweat of the shepherd who is searching for you with the determination and the anticipation and the conviction of someone who is searching for that which is most precious?  Go ahead.  Call out to him.  Let yourself be found.  Because only then will you realize that you were never lost.

May the words of my mouth, the meditations of my mind, and the feelings of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.  Amen.

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